About Kimberly

Kimberly always has a million different ideas and at least 6 projects going on at a time, blogging, candid picture taking, scrap booking, sewing.

Really she is just trying to avoid the house work.  She likes going camping and hiking with Karsten, if he is the one who plans it.  Not working full time and staying home with Charlotte has changed Kimberly's world.

Kim has her cosmetology license and has specialized in hair color.  She works at a salon one day a week.  Here she is cutting Charlotte's hair.

 But her favorite thing to do is playing with Charlotte and watching her discover new things.  She is always looking for a new adventure for them.  Finding new parks is always on the to do list.  Last year she took Charlee to 15 DIFFERENT parks.  Plus some of the favorites over and over.

Kim is the socialite, she is always planning different get-togethers and parties, to have friends and family over. She is actively involved as an adoption advocate, doing classes for the Jr.High and High Schools, planning activities for families and birth parents involved with adoption.

 Kimberly is a little finatic about Charlee having her hair fixed, from when she was 6 weeks old, 
there is not getting around it.  She cut her hair 8 times the first year because as it would grow uneven, she had to fix it.
 Usually the one behind the camera, every once in a while, someone can still a picture of her.
Kimberly is doing as much teaching as she can,
the sooner Charlotte learns all the chores the more will get done. 
 You might notice that Kim's hair is never the same length or color. 
Seriously she can't make up her mind.
 Kimbery and Charlotte have gone on a few day road trips, while Karst is busy working.  Mostly to Wyoming to visit family but a few times they have wondered down south looking for new adventures.
Just hanging out together.  These two are almost always together! 
 One of her favorite things to do, is hold Charlotte when she is sleeping.
 Going for a drive, stopped to look at the water.
This was another road trip up to Sundace to look around. 
 Yes, Charlotte knows her mother is crazy and there have been a few power struggles, 
but for the most part she seems to listen to her mom.
See what did I tell you about Kimberly's hair?  She can't make up her mind.